Did you know distance learning first launched in the 1800s? Beginning with letter exchanges and advancing into radio broadcasts, televised events, conference calls, and online sessions, society adjusted to outside-the-classroom learning long ago.
Even so, many leaders continue to prefer classroom learning over everything else. This makes sense—instructor-led training increases engagement through hands-on activities, real-time feedback, and a dedicated space for learning. However, the success of classroom learning has little to do with the classroom itself. It’s really about the two-way interaction between teacher and student. With some strategic thinking, you can replicate classroom success in the digital space.
Whether you’ve recently moved to a remote workforce or hosting in-person events is outside your budget, you could benefit greatly from Virtual Instructor-led Training (vILT). This innovative learning approach equips companies to continue growing together during their time apart.
For a quick rundown on building an effective vILT, check out the three dos and don’ts of Virtual Instructor-led Training.
Don’t: Provide unnecessary content or general industry tips.
Top-level priorities trickle down the org chart. While it may be tempting to copy and paste generic internet content to check off L&D hours, your team will recognize the lack of leader buy-in. If you offer outdated skills workshops or beginner-level lessons for competent co-eds, you run the risk of boring and offending your best workers.
Do: Tailor it to your learners.
Customize your content to address your learners’ biggest needs.
When planning out your vILT strategy, consider three components:
By tailoring trainings to both corporate-level and employee needs, you generate a greater return on your L&D investment.
Don’t: Post a webinar.
Webinars don’t qualify as instructor-led trainings. Pre-recorded sessions may entice employees to skip ahead or mute the speaker. Even for the most devoted viewer, simply watching a webinar limits the depth of understanding.
Do: Make it immersive.
The more your team engages with the content, the better the results. Instructors should ask questions, facilitate group discussions, and whiteboard ideas. Depending on your platform, you may break into small groups and set up role-play activities. At the very least, instructors can distribute fill-in-the-blank notes and incorporate quizzes and polls into each session. This two-way interaction will go a long way.
Don’t: Assume you know the impact.
Many companies have line items for learning but few know how to calculate the return on investment. They may quote successes based on the number of employees to complete learning objectives instead of defining actual impact on the company.
Do: Measure outcomes.
To truly understand the value of your learning program, consider measuring results with Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation.
If you’re struggling to measure your impact, consider connecting with an Ardent learning advisor. Our consultative approach addresses your unique needs with custom-built solutions. Schedule a call today.
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