Watch the Webinar
Transitioning curriculum from on-site, instructor-led training to a virtual format can lead to questions and be confusing. Can virtual training still be engaging? What tools do you need? How can you measure learning?
Watch our brief, on-demand webinar to help answer your vILT questions, allowing you to support your remote workforces by ensuring classroom training availability in virtual working environments.

Virtual Instructor-Led Training - The Do's & Don’ts
With some strategic thinking, you can replicate classroom success in the digital space. What to know how? Read more now.

Go Virtual With Instructor-Led Training
Find out how you can convert in-classroom material to a virtual format or start your content from scratch. Read more now.

5 Steps to Virtual Instructor-Led Training
Want the roadmap to vILT? Download our free infographic now to help build a successful virtual instructor-led training program.