Tips & Trends For A New Way Of Learning | Ardent Learning Blog

What is Customer Training?

Written by Ardent Learning | 2/15/2021

Training usually brings to mind employee-focused learning and development classes, but what about training your customers? Customer training is another way of talking about customer education, which includes everything from marketing emails to guidebooks, to instruction manuals or FAQ pages, to customer service call scripts. In short, it’s whatever materials help your customers better understand how to use and get the most out of your product.

But just what are the benefits of customer training?

  1. Better customer experience and improved retention: To really connect with your customers and increase loyalty, customers need to have an immediate understanding of how your product is going to make their lives easier. While blogs, emails, and case studies can all serve as ways to increase visibility for your brand, they’re also important tools in helping customers connect with your product or service. If customers truly understand how to engage with your product, it will reduce frustration, increase usage, and lead to the ultimate goal: customers loving your product because it supports their goals and solves their problems.
  2. Reduced need for, and spend on, customer support: When customers have the tools and resources to get educated, they already have the answers to their questions and guidance they need to get started and be successful. This leads to a reduced need for on-call customer service reps to take calls, answer chats, and handle tickets. Great companies will always need great customer support teams, but by doing some of the legwork up front and creating materials that will go out to customers to onboard them as they use and interact with your product, you can minimize the need for customer support, because your users will feel more empowered and have access to the answers they need.

Ardent has helped companies develop the training tools that organizations need to help effectively educate and support their customers. Take a look at our case study to find out how we created custom assets that helped one financial brand to simplify complex financial topics for its entire customer base, and in doing so, elevated the customer experience.

For more information on how custom learning assets could benefit your organization, get in touch with us today for a complimentary consultation on your L&D needs.