Tips & Trends For A New Way Of Learning | Ardent Learning Blog

The 2nd Annual Ardent Game Day

Written by Ardent Learning | 12/14/2020

When working during a pandemic, there’s no shortage of stress. That’s why it’s more important than ever to focus on opportunities for connection, even in quarantine. In October, Ardent hosted its second annual company-wide Game Day and enjoyed a day of friendly competition and team spirit.

Ardent project manager Colleen McMahon shared the history of this new team tradition and talked about its impact on the Ardent company culture.


Where did the idea for Game Day originate? 

The idea for Game Day originated during a Connectivity Crew meeting almost two years ago as a fun way for the whole company to connect. A few members mentioned a series of group party games called Jackbox Games that allow you to play with others using only your phone and one screen sharing the game. We quickly put our heads together on how we could bring this to the whole company as a way to bond and unwind. We’ve since hosted two Game Days (this year’s and one in 2019).  


Was Game Day more difficult to organize this year due to COVID? 

Life in COVID was definitely one of the hurdles we had to overcome for organizing this year. While in 2019, it was more about bringing the different office locations together, this year it was more about engaging on an individual basis, since everyone is isolated in their home offices or own spaces. Logistically, it wasn’t a huge issue (since Webex and Jackbox Games are so accommodating to our new ‘virtual’ lives), but it definitely wasn’t as high energy as last year’s event since we couldn’t be with each other to rouse and engage one another. Nonetheless, it was still a great opportunity to smile, laugh, and connect.  


How do you and other team members feel about working for a company that values teamwork and balancing work with down time? 

Work-life balance is more important than ever (especially with the two bleeding together more and more), so when the company blocks off time for us to decompress and have a bit of fun together, it’s highly appreciated! By having these protected times focused on bonding and down time, our interpersonal relationships and teamwork improve.


Ardent knows that work-life balance and intentional connection go a long way in improving the employee experience and quality of work, and we’re proud to prioritize ways to keep our teams happy, healthy and connected.

If you’re interested in learning more about Ardent culture or applying to join our team, check us out here.